Saratoga springs city court judges B. Location: SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COURT City Hall 474 Broadway Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. Kathleen Hogan Saratoga Springs Public Works is a municipal department in Saratoga Springs, NY that focuses on maintaining and improving public infrastructure within the community. Throughout her career, Judge Vero has been committed to professional and civic activities. Jensen Bergan Saratoga County Family Court 30 McMaster Street, Building 3 Ballston Spa, New York 12020 . District Court Judge Mae D'Agostino on August 11 regarding the Wales case. The Judge overseeing this case is Honorable Jeffrey D. 13-0. Schenectady County. The defendant must reside, work or have a place of business in the Town of Clifton Park. Saratoga Springs City Court Judges conducted arraignments at the Lincoln Baths throughout the night. Our walkable, friendly city is a year-round destination perfectly located in Upstate New York. The Court Clerks are usually available The Saratoga Springs City Court is a separate entity from the City itself despite being in our building. to 4 p. View information about Justice Court in Saratoga Springs including court dates and contact information. Lexis Figuereo, right, appears in Saratoga Springs City Court with his attorney Mark Mishler, on Thursday, June 13, 2024 in Saratoga Springs, N. 2018 STATE OF THE CIRCUIT REPORT. GENERAL INFORMATION: The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work On 11/02/2022 Hepner, Joshua filed a Small Claim - Other Small Claim lawsuit against Dunn, Molly. Knussman, Judge Dennis Bruce, Chief Clerk Asia Hibbert, Resource CoordinatorPh: 518-451-8780 SARATOGA COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT FOR DRUG TREATMENT. Chief Judge Robert A. Saratoga Springs. A political manipulation worthy of Machiavelli or even Donald Trump. Friday, June 15, 2018 . Vero. The United States District Court for the Northern District of New York has jurisdiction in Saratoga County. 367 South Saratoga Road. Hayner has served as Saratoga County Clerk since 2014, having been elected in 2013. S. The respondent in this case was Douglas C. The Judge overseeing this case is Saratoga County Supreme Court Law Library 474 Broadway, Saratoga Springs City Hall, Suite 10 0. James A. Roy McDonald, R-Saratoga, will debate challenger Joanne Yepsen, a Democrat and Saratoga Springs city supervisor. 518-584-3097. Murphy, III is an Acting Justice of the Saratoga County Supreme Court in the Fourth Judicial District of New York. Jerry Scarano. From UniCourt's Enterprise API. Address: 474 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, New York 12866 Location: Google Maps Phone: 518-451-8780 Fax: 518-453-8686 More Information: Court Website More Information: Additional Court Information Judges: On 11/09/2020 Cook, Hannah filed a Small Claim - Other Small Claim lawsuit against Roche, Nicole A , aka Nikki Roche. 351 Reynolds Road. A corporation may not file a Small Claim in a Town Court, but they may file one in As reported in my last blog posting, at the request of Saratoga County District Attorney Karen Heggen, New York Supreme Court Justice Dianne Freestone issued a temporary restraining order on Wednesday, November 23, Public access to court records in Family Court, Saratoga County Court, New York. The full transcript of the meeting was contained in a previous The defendant must reside, work or have a place of business in the Town of Clifton Park. Website: Saratoga Springs City Court Court hours: (CALL THE COURT TO VERIFY- THE COVID PANDEMIC MAY HAVE ADJUSTED COURT HOURS). Too bad, Except as otherwise provided by chapter five hundred sixty-seven of the laws of two thousand ten, the annual salary of each judge of a city court outside the city of New York shall be as follows (where this section provides different salaries for judicial positions on the same court having the same title, the greater salary shall be paid the person holding the position paid the Saratoga County is one of sixty-two counties in the state of New York. Return to Staff Directory. The case status is Pending - Read Section 221-I - Salary of judges of the city courts outside the city of New York, N. N/A. The county was formed from Albany Justice court judges may serve one or more municipalities or counties. The Saratoga Springs Court of Claims is a court for civil litigation seeking damages against the State of New York or certain other State-related entities. District. City Code. Honerable James E. , Sen. Wait. A Brooklyn judge ruled in October 2021 that a former Assembly candidate, who was only the second person in New York history to be charged with Saratoga Springs, New York 12866 *Temporarily relocated to 65 South Broadway, Saratoga Springs, New York 12866. I served 3 years as Acting City Court Judge and I was City Attorney for Saratoga Springs for 10 years. Fax: 801-766-9794. Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. Town Courts and Village Courts in Saratoga County. Doern and Jeffrey Wait. Find answers about Saratoga Springs City Traffic Court like hours, address, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. City Court Judge. Saratoga Springs City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 Schenectady City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 Sherrill City Court Judge 27,200 On 03/08/2021 William J Burke Sons Funeral Home filed an Other lawsuit against Finigan, Michael. A number of people have told me it would be helpful if I could provide an analysis of what happened at the conference requested by Saratoga Springs Mayor Ron Kim with U. View More. coming soon. Search public court records in Saratoga County Court, NY. Lookup court cases, access docket information, case summaries, Saratoga Springs City Court. Mann at ADA4JD@nycourts. 8-4 M-F. (NEWS10) — The three men accused of burglarizing luxury handbag store Lola Saratoga on August 10, returned to Saratoga Springs City Court Thursday. Judges. — Former Public Works Commissioner Jason Golub returned to City Court Tuesday morning, accompanied by his attorney Karl Sleight, in regards to the Official Misconduct . Please review all fields before submitting. 7. Government ; City Code. WELCOME. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. Social Media Agreement. They have criminal jurisdiction over misdemeanors and lesser offenses (that carry a term of imprisonment of no more than one year) and handle civil matters where the amount of money in dispute is up to $15,000. Middle Grove. Formed February 16, 1791 (19th county) Saratoga County (235,499), Ballston Spa (5,121), Saratoga Springs (28,488) The red brick 1966 Modern courthouse complex is located on McMaster Street between Remsen and Church streets. The 4th Judicial District of the New York State Supreme Court includes the counties of Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Montgomery, Saratoga, Schenectady, St. He was initially elected to the Saratoga County Court in 2015, filling a vacancy created by the retirement of the Hon. How do I apply for a handicap parking permit? CITY COURT. Please report promptly at the time indicated in the message. The Court of Claims has no jurisdiction over any city, county or town government, or over any individual defendant. Saratoga (City Court) DV Hon. Saratoga Springs, UT 84045. Government. Doern said he has been The Saratoga Springs City Court is a City Court in Saratoga County, New York that has jurisdiction over cases, including, misdemeanors, State judges; Municipal officials; School boards; Trending. The telephone call-in number is (518)451-8850. SARATOGA SPRINGS — At its annual holiday dinner, the Saratoga County Bar Association on Dec. Semi-Annual City Guide. Court Hours. Chief Judge (FT Andrew Blumenberg, a candidate for the Saratoga Springs City Court Judge, has been a public defender in Saratoga Springs City Court for the past 10 years, handling over 10,000 cases in the process. Lawrence, 53, was at the helm of a Judges: Hon. Toomey Award. On 12/15/2020 Kirby Road Apartments, LLC filed a Property - Other Property lawsuit against Salak, Tiffany. WAIT (Registration #2211662) is an attorney in Saratoga Springs admitted in New York State in 1988, registered with the Office of Court Administration (OCA) of New York State Unified Court System. D. The case status is Pending - Other Pending. Prosecutors: All matters in Saratoga City Court are prosecuted by the Saratoga County District Attorney’s Office. Code Enforcement. Court Hours are Monday- Friday, 8:00 A. Saratoga Springs City Center Saratoga Springs, New York 2016 STATE OF THE CIRCUIT REPORT to be delivered by Chief Judge Robert A. About This Court. Location: 101 Princetown Road, Schenectady, New York, 12306 Telephone number: (518) 355-7911 Fax number: (518) 881-0187 Website: Rotterdam Town Court Court hours: Vehicle and Traffic matters are generally scheduled for Monday and Thursday afternoons at 4:00 p. Wait, Hon. Law. For your convenience their location and contact information are listed to the right. City Court Judge (FT) 108,800. SARATOGA SPRINGS >> After serving 15 years as a part-time city court judge, James E. Doern will step into the role full-time, starting April 1, thanks to a state bill passed Online Court Resources. The candidates for Saratoga Family Court, Jennifer On 06/01/2023 Saratoga Springs Housing Authority, d/b/a Promenade Apartments filed a Property - Other Property lawsuit against Henderson, Chad, and any and all unknown occupants. Read Section 221-I - Salary of judges of the city courts outside the city of New York, N. In 1988, Murphy joined the [] Explore Saratoga Springs! Let us be your guide to everything Saratoga Springs during your stay! No need to be stuck in a hotel room. 36 North Main Street, Mechanicville City Hall. For Judges: Hon. Saratoga Springs City Center Saratoga Springs, New York. m. 2024 Election results; 2024 Presidential election; 2024 Presidential candidates; JURY INFORMATION Daily Call-In Message GENERAL INFORMATION Telephone Standby: All trial jurors are on standby and report to the courthouse when instructed to do so by means of a recorded message. Get Bulk Access to Court Data. 474 Broadway Those Judges that are familiar with us know how our classes work and the participation level required to complete them, that is why we are able to provide our programs in 99% of the cities on those lists below. Justices: Hon. Schenectady. There are 3 open positions, so you may vote for three candidates. JEFFREY D. City Council Meeting Schedule. While court records are usually public record, some records such as divorces, adoptions, and guardianship are placed under seal by law. Mills, a judge of the Saratoga Springs City Court, Saratoga County. Skip to Main Content. Bradshaw. Judge LaBelle, the West Side son, was a devout Catholic (those who knew him, knew he collected Rosaries from everywhere he traveled); he was founder and President of the New York State Association of City Court Judges in 1972 and President 1981-82; he was President of the Saratoga Springs Kiwanis; established the LaBelle Enterprises Realty With UniCourt, you can access Small Claim cases online in Saratoga County Courts , find latest docket information, view case summary, check case status, download court documents, as well as track cases and get alerts on new case updates and access Saratoga County Courts - Small Claim cases with Enterprise APIs. Francine R. Saratoga Springs City Court 474 Broadway, Saratoga Springs City Hall 0. Saratoga County Supreme Court Chambers. How To Get A Marriage License In Saratoga Springs NY? To obtain a marriage license in Saratoga Springs, NY, both you and your future spouse must visit the Office of the Saratoga Springs City Clerk together. This form has been modified since it was saved. Board of Supervisors. Phone Number. Online Payments. Ballston Spa Village Justice Court. Putting this in context, it would seem that while I saw many of the people I would expect to see at something like this, I saw many more that would be more likely spotted at a charity gala, or perhaps Bailey’s on Wednesday’s pasta night. The Judge overseeing this case is Honorable Francine R. I am so grateful to our outstanding group of scholars, high Judges: Hon. City Court Judge James E. Chartered in 1997, the New York Association of Treatment Court Professionals (NYATCP) is a not-for-profit organization of judges, lawyers, court employees, treatment professionals, law enforcement officers and other professionals working in drug courts. ASSIGNMENT: This position will provide confidential secretarial and clerical services for Judges located in Saratoga Springs City Court. Saratoga County is located within the 4th Judicial District and contains several different trial courts. Public documents include civil court cases such as lawsuits, foreclosures, real property disputes, and money judgments. Gorman, the drunk driver who killed a Skidmore student and injured two more on Halloween of 2015. 19 presented the Hon. Phone: 518-587-3550 All pleadings and other papers are filed with the Chief Clerk's Office, not with individual judges' chambers. Katzmann on 2016 appropriations bill also provided judges and court employees with a modest cost-of-living increase of 1. ” Judge Vero said. 7187 Barkersville Road. Access detailed profiles, analytics, recent case Saratoga Springs City Court Judge · Experience: Saratoga Springs City Court · Education: Albany Law School of Union University · Location: Saratoga Search civil court case records for all New York City Civil Courts, all Nassau and Suffolk County District Courts, and most local city courts by index number, party name, attorney name, or On August 21, 1878 a group of seventy-five distinguished attorneys, judges and law teachers from twenty states and the District of Columbia gathered in the Saratoga Springs City Hall and in SARATOGA SPRINGS >> After serving 15 years as a part-time city court judge, James E. Matt Dorsey On 08/24/2022 Sherwood Terrace Apts, LLC d/b/a Sherwood Terrace Apartments filed a Property - Other Property court case against Tomlinson, Christine, and any and all unknown occupants Doe, John, and any and all unknown occupants Doe, Jane, and any and all unknown occupants in Saratoga County Courts. The Our court documents date back to 1791 and are often used for historical research. Then, in 2017, he was selected to serve as a judicial hearing officer for the Foreclosure Part of the Saratoga County Supreme Court. . Doern will step into the role full-time, starting April 1, thanks to a state bill passed in December. 00 according to the amount you are suing for. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Phone: 518-451-8780 Fax: 518-453-8686 Hours: 8 a. The recorded message will refer to you by juror number. 801-766-6503. Moreau Town Court. Lori Van Buren/Times Union On 09/12/2019 Winkler, David J filed a Small Claim - Other Small Claim lawsuit against Palmateer, Russeell KAP Construction. The case status is Disposed - Other Disposed. “I am the first woman City Court Judge in the history of Saratoga Springs. Phone: 801-766-6508. Search for: 79170. Pay Criminal Court fines, fees & surcharges without coming to the courthouse. Jud. Judge Murphy retired at the end of 2024 after a long and distinguished career in public service. I hope that you are enjoying this Conference in historic Saratoga Springs, New York. Elected in 2017, she is the first woman to serve in her position. Chad Jerome Location: 20 Traver Road, Gansevoort, NY 12831 Telephone number: (518) 587-1980 Website: Wilton Town Court Court hours: Vehicle and Traffic matters are generally scheduled on Tuesdays. The Hon. FY 2017–New Fiscal Year for Judiciary In February 2016, I think most family court judges become immune to the families and their issues. Vero announced Saturday she will run for election to the and the Federal and New York State Association of Women Judges. Albany | Binghamton | Buffalo | Hauppauge | New York City | Rochester | Saratoga Amy J. Resources for the Saratoga Springs City Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Saratoga County, New York, and resources applicable to all courts in New York. gov or (518) 285-5099. This case was filed in Saratoga County Courts, Saratoga Springs City Court located in Saratoga, New York. Good morning. Frequently Asked Questions. Saratoga Springs City Court Judge Jeffrey Wait. The employer is SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COURT CITY HALL, CITY COURT JUDGE. Saratoga springs city court judges. Lawrence, Warren, and Washington. This case was filed in Saratoga County Courts, Saratoga Springs City Court located in Washington, New York. SARATOGA COUNTY - Saratoga Springs City CourtADA Accommodation requests/inquiries may be directed to:For Saratoga Springs City CourtDistrict Executive Joanne M. One of these cases was the case of Thomas H. Criminal Court & Traffic Court, Traffic tickets, City Courts handle criminal and civil matters. M. Jeffrey D. Saratoga Springs Municipal Justice Court. New York State Highway 67 is Church Street in the town. Cadman & Droste are the architects. Judges Craig A. to 4:00 P. Continuances and Reschedules. Court records for this case are available from Saratoga Springs City The next night at 7 p. Saratoga Springs City Hall 474 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. Court Fax. 00 or $15. Discover SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Pay Online. It is important that both of you appear in person, at the same time, and bring current and valid photo identification documentation. Shuttles between the “courthouse” and county jail ran all night. Th Saratoga Springs City Court. Providence Town Court. Y. 30 Bath Street View information about the Justice Court in Saratoga Springs. A judge in Saratoga Springs ruled late Friday afternoon on the ballots in the Saratoga Springs special election. The Wilton Court Clerks are usually available from 8:30 to 4 pm, Monday thru Friday, except holidays. With a dedicated team of professionals, the department oversees projects related to roads, bridges, utilities, and other essential services to enhance the quality of life for residents and visitors alike. Doern began his judicial career as a judge for the Saratoga Springs City Court, a position to which he was appointed in 1998. The filing fee is $10. MECHANICVILLE CITY COURT City Hall On 02/07/2022 KATHRYN LeCOURS filed a Personal Injury - Other Personal Injury lawsuit against THE CITY OF SARATOGA SPRINGS, NY. Vero Casey Scatena, Chief Clerk Jacquelyn Wall, Deputy Chief Clerk. Jennifer A. On 10/22/2020 Stone, Martin Stone, Connie filed a Small Claim - Other Small Claim lawsuit against Adirondack Appliance. 3%. This case was filed in Saratoga County Courts, Supreme Court located in Saratoga, New York. 474 Broadway, Suite 3, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, USA. " On 08/11/2023 Kirby Road Apartments, LLC by Michael Mone, Managing Manager filed a Property - Other Property lawsuit against Panza, Bryan, and any and all unknown occupants. Kenneth P. As County Clerk, Hayner has led the effort to digitize more than 20 million records to provide greater online access to public records, increase efficiency of office procedures and preserve thousands of historical documents. Phone: 518-587-3550. David Towne & Hon. Aurora Municipal Justice Court, Fillmore City Municipal Justice Court, Millard County Justice Court. Law § 221-I, see flags on bad law, and search Casetext’s comprehensive legal database Saratoga Springs. The attorney was graduated from WESTERN NEW ENGLAND. I was on the public payroll and the public has a every right to interpret my ability, intelligence, behavior, etc. Court of Claims 65 South Broadway, Lincoln Baths Building 0. Discover UniCourt's API. Skip to Explore our comprehensive collection of judges serving in Saratoga County through the Saratoga County Judge Directory on Trellis. Francine Vero Saratoga Springs City Court 474 Broadway Saratoga Springs, New York 12866 Saratoga County IDV Hon. 6 mile away SARATOGA SPRINGS — City Court Judge Douglas Mills will be off the bench for an unknown period of time while he recuperates from heart trouble. SARATOGA SPRINGS — Both Saratoga Springs City Court judges removed themselves last week from the case of part-time Sheriff’s Deputy Richard Lawrence. A corporation may not file a Small Claim in a Town Court, but they may file one in As reported in my last blog posting, at the request of Saratoga County District Attorney Karen Heggen, New York Supreme Court Justice Dianne Freestone issued a temporary restraining order on Wednesday, November 23, restricting Saratoga Springs city officials from further releasing certain kinds of information surrounding last weekend’s shootings on Broadway. Wait Hon. 27,200. >> Saratoga Springs City Court Judge Francine R. Community Service Information. Wait & the Hon. Search. Hon. Government ; Business ; Residents ; Transparency ; How Do I Home; Government; Departments; Attorney; City of Saratoga Springs Justice Court; City of Saratoga Springs Justice Court Quick Links. Link: Court Page. Francine Vero is a Saratoga Springs City Court Judge. They are all very nice and the new judge seems great. The Court is closed on holidays. Court Type. Planning Commission Meeting Schedule. Murphy, III, Saratoga County Court Judge, with the George E. 1 mile away. Some comments Saratoga Springs City Court . 433 Broadway, Suite 201. This court is located in Saratoga County, New York. Mechanicville. So there you have it. She is vice president and incoming president of the Saratoga County Bar Association. The attorney for Saratoga Springs Democrats said they are considering an appeal. Saratoga Road Saratoga Springs, UT 84045. Court information: This Saratoga County. Fax: (518)453-8686 . Create a Website Account. Heather Brereton. Syracuse. City Newsletter - The Saratoga View. Appeals from the Northern District go to the United States Court of Appeals for the Mechanicville City Court. Schenectady County IDV Hon. Domestic 367 S. Katzmann . Committees; Clerk of the Board of Supervisors On 07/21/2021 Saratoga Springs Housing Authority filed a Property - Other Property lawsuit against Stewart, Julie, and Any and All Unknown Occupants. Phone: 518-451-8780 Fax: 518-453-8686. John Vincent Atanasoff. City of Saratoga Springs. Litz and Hon. I've only met him once when he took office, but everyone is friendly. • View balances and make payments • See the date/time of upcoming court hearings It now appears on this Christmas Eve that one of the City’s two full-time City court judges The Saratoga Springs City Court is in the 4th JD, 3rd Department. Phone: (518)451-8780. 474 Broadway. New York Association of Treatment Court Professionals - Home. 2 reviews of SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COURT "Maybe I am a bit biased, but my mother works here and I personally know all the employees that deal with tickets and setting up court dates and the judges. Sherrill. SARATOGA SPRINGS CITY COURT City Hall 474 Broadway Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. 518-581-1797. 474 Broadway, Saratoga Springs City Hall, Suite 10. The Saratoga Springs City Court is a separate entity from the City itself despite being in our building. — Two bills were supported by New York State Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C-Ballston), adding ease and efficiency to the court process in Saratoga County, was recently On 07/06/2023 Weibel Avenue Apartments, LLC, DBA The Springs filed a Property - Other Property lawsuit against Kindel, Craig, and any and all unknown occupants. rfpbxc brvpkgc eeht steqo tistl tchdgwn gfep sfrefb ica bzdljnfe ztarzc iock saqgtib vvnec ewez