Prolific seed meaning Waterhemp, though, can shed up to 300,000 seeds per female plant late into the growing season. Non-GMO. $29. Weed seed production Dr. thesaurus. He was a right-footed left winger, a prolific scorer who cut in from the wing with pace and superb dribbling skills. Its tender, creamy flesh ripens early in the season and tastes best if harvested before the fruit reaches 10” long. 1; adjective prolific characterized by abundant Examples of PROLIFIC PRODUCER in a sentence, how to use it. These seeds are dispersed by the wind throughout the fall and winter. Most of weeds travel by various agencies: So meaning what we say and saying what we mean with our chosen names is imperative. 1 Two to three seed crops can be produced in a single growing season if the top growth is mowed off. • Prolific seed production—Some species produce thousands or even millions of seeds per plant. Yield Performance with FHB Tolerance. Early Prolific Straightneck Summer Squash is a warm season crop, sensitive to frost and light freezes. These seeds germinate in appropriate conditions, allowing new plants to grow without replanting. 12 examples: Grader grass is a prolific producer of seed; there can be up to 1000 seeds in a single seed head The Meaning Alignment Institute (MAI) is a non-profit AI company that aims to create a future where AI and people can work together to make the planet flourish. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer Definition and high quality example sentences with “prolific” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig: your English writing platform seed heads have stiff, sharp bracts that give it a prickly feel. 'This etymology hints at the core concept behind 'prolific' - the ability to create or generate offspring or products in abundance. ' Phrases like 'prolificacy of something' and 'prolific source' extend its usage, while 'prolific period' denotes a time of high productivity or creativity. prolific ~ pro (production) + life; now try to relate meaning of prolific with 'production of life'. 6 other terms for prolific seed- words and phrases Examples of PROLIFIC PRODUCER in a sentence, how to use it. Multilingual communication. 5 inches deep on 1 to 3 foot rows at 8 to 10 lb per acre. Prolific Seeding Meaning In Bengali. Producing young or fruit, especially in abundance; fruitful; fertile; productive in general: as, a prolific female; a prolific tree; prolific seed. 95 35 Flower Seeds Variety Pack – Heirloom, Non-Hybrid, Non-GMO, Open-Pollinated – Perfect for Pollinator-Friendly Gardens Transform your garden with our 35 Flower Seeds Variety Pack, offering a stunning and diverse selection of heirloom, non-hybrid, and non-GMO seeds. With a keen eye for detail and a dedication to excellence, we carefully select elite hybrid genetics to develop our unique line of strains. g pigweed species, puncturevine, barnyardgrass, Russian thistle, and kochia) are beginning to flower and produce seeds. Her expertise lies in integrating mindfulness practices with Eastern and PCS1 Wifi3 x (Scotts OG x Casper OG) PCS1 was bred with the intent to bring an OG dominant profile, vigor, and improved structure to a variety of elite clone-only hybrids. When seeds are in the ground, the new plants can start to grow. Crabgrass begins to germinate when soil temperatures hit 50-55°F for three days in a row, typically in early to mid Dill has been used traditionally in various cultures as a symbol of vitality and growth, owing to its rapid growth rate and prolific seed production. Games; Word of the Day; Grammar prolific翻译:作品丰富的;多产的。了解更多。 Find 1,691 synonyms for prolific and other similar words that you can use instead based on 9 separate contexts from our thesaurus. You may also find your fruits and vegetables are prolific re-seeders, sometimes springing from your compost heap. prolific - प्रोलिफिक का अर्थ क्या है? prolific (प्रोलिफिक) का अर्थ, अनुवाद, उदाहरण, पर्यायवाची, विपरीत, परिभाषा और तुकांत शब्द। prolific का मीनिंग। The prolific growth of the okra plant serves as an affirmation of the spiritual principle that abundance is a natural state of the Universe and that each individual has the right and potential to tap into this cosmic bounty. Two such parent lines are cross-bred to produce an F1 hybrid. Waterhemp is difficult to manage in broadleaf crops for several reasons, including its season-long emergence pattern, its prolific seed production and its ability to develop resistance to multiple herbicide site of action families. Can you list perennial plants that are known to reseed themselves vigorously? Some perennial plants that reseed vigorously include Borage and Cosmos. This weed of crop fields, especially soybean and corn in the Midwest, is problematic because of prolific seed production and evolved herbicide resistance. Oxeye daisy is a prolific seed producer and seeds can survive in the soil for up to 39 years. Due to its high-volume seed production, crabgrass also has the potential to become a problematic and persistent weed in hay meadows. • Dual modes of reproduction— Dalmatian toadflax reproduces by seed and by roots. Any seeds that are allowed to Seeds saved from OP varieties will produce plants very similar to their parents. This is accomplished by producing small seed. At the bottom a verse of four lines. Strains known for potent effects and abundant resin production, ideal for enthusiasts. This chapter deals with seed dormancy of agricultural weeds, its definitions and types from the physiological and ecological point of view, and physiological and ecological factors inducing dormancy in different weed species. Origin: Enter the seed investor. Sometimes, seeds fall from a plant into the ground near it, or sometimes the wind blows the seeds to some other place where they fall to the ground. Vegetative reproduction can be as prolific as seed production. 1; adjective prolific producing in large quantities or with great frequency; highly productive: a prolific writer. antonyms. Serving to give rise or origin; having the quality of Cartoon of the literary and prolific writer Jan ten Brink, depicted as a milker of many cows. Planting Instructions for Early Prolific Straightneck Summer Squash Seeds. The seeds are planted in spring, the ideal time because it gives trees a full summer to . A single Hawaiian hybrid plant was shown to yield 6,460 seeds, weighing 2. Synonym Discussion of Prolific. Treesearch. By use case. producing young or fruit especially freely : A new fact sheet from the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) dives into the topic of weeds: seed longevity, travel, germination, and ways to eliminate. Unlike most kiwis that require a male and female to produce fruit, Prolific is self-fertile and will independently yield delicious, grape-sized fruit. The dandelion’s seed dispersal, like the parable of the mustard seed, illustrates the potency of small entities to catalyze profound transformations, echoing biblical themes. Seeds fall or get scattered by animals, birds, and wind. (Science: botany) Capable of producing fruit; fruit-bearing; as, fertile flowers. A crabgrass plant can produce as many as 150,000 seeds and as many as 700 tillers. 1; adjective prolific profusely productive or fruitful (often followed by in or of): a bequest prolific of litigations. Solutions. producing young or fruit especially freely : fruitful; causing abundant growth, generation, or reproduction See the full definition. 2012-01-01. Risky seed. (Shak) 2. Since plants have a limited supply of resources, the smaller the seed the more seeds that can be produced. Features. Get examples of how to use the word "Prolific" in English. Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dr. This allows the silique to explode, propelling seeds up to 16 feet. Palmer amaranth has characteristics that make it more problematic than other pigweeds, including rapid growth, prolific seed production with hundreds of thousands of seeds per plant, and resistance to multiple herbicide modes of action. Similarly producing results or works in abundance Mosebys Prolific white corn grain in 50 lb bag. Early Prolific Straightneck fruits are 10″ x 3″ in size and lemon in color. His book, The Whole Okra, will be published in June 2019. Learn meaning, synonyms and translation for the word "Prolific". It multiply profusely by: (i) Bearing seeds or (ii) Propagules or by (iii) Both . sentences. up the pole. The creeping rhizomes enable up of the Greek roots leuk meaning white and anthem meaning flower, and the species name, vulgare, is from the Latin vulga meaning common. It can be transplanted outside 6 weeks later. A weed might not have all of Farmer sells Cockes Prolific seed for $15 a pint or $25 a quart. Mark Renz As summer approaches summer annual weeds (e. Begin the growing season early and start the squash seeds indoors 3-4 weeks before last frost date in biodegradable pods that will let the roots grow through. seed, seeds: definition 1: A seed is the small part of a plant that can grow into a new plant. 12 examples: Grader grass is a prolific producer of seed; there can be up to 1000 seeds in a single seed head If you are searching for regular seeds with a superb quality you should have an eye on prolific coast seeds. In this definition, a weed is a non-crop plant that can become a pest if not managed adequately. It is a prolific seed producer, producing 100,000 – 500,000 seeds per plant which remain viable for 3 to 5 years. Elevate your garden with Marconi Sweet Pepper Seeds, an Italian heirloom variety known for its exceptional sweetness, robust growth, and versatile culinary uses. G. This process can happen in as little as sixty days. Lavezzo came across the seed for “Cox’s Prolific” on Craigslist, which is synonymous to Cocke’s Prolific. The small brown-black seeds thrive in no-till or minimum tillage fields. Best-in-class fusarium head blight (scab) tolerance; Exceptional yield performance; ** Using Certified Seed every crop season provides growers the best opportunity to The species is dioecious, meaning a tree is either male or female and usually grows in dense colonies or “clones. Most species exhibit rapid germination across wide diurnal temperatures, often producing prolific quantities of seed, which enables species to take advantage of rainfall events that fall Our kiwi's fast-growing, deciduous vines produce sumptuous, nutritious fruit. copious seed. Other important factors include prolific seed production, dispersal adaptations, seed dormancy, and seed longevity. This makes it a potent symbol of fertility, representing the capacity for expansion and proliferation. Another desirable attribute of crabgrass is that it is a prolific seed producer, and, if managed properly, where The meaning of PROLIFIC is producing young or fruit especially freely : fruitful. At Prolific Coast Seeds, we’re passionate about pushing the boundaries of cannabis breeding to create strains that exceed expectations in both quality and performance. Business Intelligence. Most weed species are prolific seed manufacturers, in some cases producing more than 1 million seeds/plant (see table 1 for more information). Seeds may remain alive in soil 10 years or longer. producing a great number or amount of. Hard Red Winter. 95 $49. PureSativa - Official UK and Europe Cannabis Seed Wholesale Distributor for Prolific Coast Seeds Meaning: "Prolific" is an adjective that describes someone or something that produces a large number of offspring, works, ideas, or results in a particular area over a period of time. Understanding seed dormancy is essential as it involves the intricate roles of plant Prolific - Meaning in Hindi. Germination is best and fastest between 65°F-75°F. synonyms: fecund, productive antonyms: unproductive similar words: creative, fertile, generative There have already been grower and crop advisor reports of waterhemp emergence this spring. Product Description. . producing a great number or amount of something: 2. Ecology is concerned with growth characteristics and adaptations that enable weeds to survive the change in the environment. many seed. These seed packet codes can tell gardeners which varieties are first generation hybrids (F1), whether the seeds are organic (OG), or if the variety is an All-America Selection winner (AAS). Shields and Lavezzo in touch with the intellectually productive; "a prolific writer"; "a fecund imagination" 2011 - English Dictionary Database By DataStellar Co. Weeds are disseminated by three ways: (i) Weed seeds either fall near the mother plant or (ii) Travel a long distance and short distance or (iii) Travel with agricultural crops. Jack pine are prolific seed producers: a mature stand can produce as many as 2 million seeds per acre. Biblical Meaning of “Prolific” The mustard seed, although one of the smallest of seeds, grows into a large tree, illustrating the potent potential of small beginnings leading to significant outcomes. This parable invites believers to recognize that even the simplest acts of faith and obedience can yield profound results in the Kingdom prolific - adjective. Hasting catalogs as “The best all-purpose corn that can be grown in the South!” Hastings prolific was even the winner of the 1905 Georgia State Fair for heaviest yield per acre! It all circles back to prolific seed production. 83 million tiny seeds. carrying. Learn more. Palmer amaranth is native to the desert southwest and northern Mexico. synonyms. Packets are also available online from Angie Lavezzo at Sow True Seed in Asheville, North Carolina. suggest new. expecting a child. If Palmer amaranth is found in Montana it would be one of a few pigweeds that is dioecious, meaning there Myoporum platycarpum was the only species to exhibit characteristics of recalcitrant seeds, meaning they do not survive desiccation or aging. ample seed. How It Affects Livestock Total oxalate concentration varies from 3-30% of plant dry weight. edu) or Sow True Seed (ph 828 254-0708; www. Prolific definition, pronuniation, antonyms, synonyms and example sentences in Hindi. A non-GMO Seed “The corn that fed the South!” was how Hastings Prolific was advertised in 1908 and later H. Weed Ecology Weed ecology is the study of the interaction or relationship between a weed and its environment (other living organisms as well as abiotic factors). and Clark County in 1890, it spread to 24 counties by 2007. Okra seeds carry a strong spiritual meaning of connection to nature and earth. Seed-feeding insects impacting globemallow seed production. Remove language barriers with AI-Enhanced Speech and Translation Tools. large Tree-of-heaven's prolific seed production adds to its invasive potential Date: August 2, 2017 Source: Penn State Summary: Tree-of-heaven -- or Ailanthus -- is an invasive triple threat, according Seed dormancy is a survival strategy that allows seeds to delay germination until conditions are favorable for growth. This prolific The genus name is derived from the combination of two Greek words "amarantos," meaning "unfading, undecaying" and “anthos” for “flower” or "never failing flowers", as a description of the produces vast quantities of wind-carried pollen and has prolific seed production that surpasses 600,000 seeds per plant (Ward et al How To Use prolific In A Sentence. Lists. “Back in the day, we didn’t have as much resistance spreading because you’d have weeds that produced far fewer seeds,” Vail says. Their prolific seed production helps them spread and flourish in many garden settings. Sow seeds 1. Weeds are prolific with high fecundity. Prolific Seeding শব্দর বাংলা অর্ উদ্ভাবনশীল বীজবত্তা, English to Bangla online dictionary. definitions. Perennial growth in many weed species and the formation of persistent seedbanks in many others help drive persistence. Plants that grow from seeds have flowers. Sow seeds 1 inch deep and 24 inches apart with rows spaced 18-24 inches apart. Any seeds that are allowed to mature and sprout the next season are often called volunteers. Weeds are highly prolific plants. Over time, those 300,000 seeds add up. Weevils (Anthonomus sphaeralciae Fall [Coleoptera: Curculionid Prolific has its roots in Latin, which, if you've been following WinEveryGame, should come as no surprise - when it comes to incubating words in other languages, Latin is downright prolific!The word's Latin ancestor, proles (meaning "progeny" or "scion"), is actually a combination of two Proto-Indo-European roots: pro- (in this case "forth from") and al- (to develop or nurture). What's another word for having swallowed a watermelon seed. In recent years, a number of venture firms focusing on seed-stage investing have emerged throughout Europe. Over time, the term expanded beyond its original biological connotations to The Little Mustard Seed Demonstrates God’s Miracle of Multiplying. However its presence may not always be harmful and does not automatically warrant its immediate eradication. Weed seed production Dr. Check the meaning of the word prolific and expand your vocabulary, take a spelling test, print practice and more! Crabgrass can reproduce two ways: through tillers or seeds. How to use prolific in a sentence. Wind, water, animals, and vehicles spread the seeds. 6 other terms for prolific seed- words and phrases with similar meaning. * Contact us for volume pricing and freight if you are a commercial brewer or distiller. If they land in a favorable location, all that is left is to wait for the warm Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'prolific' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. This 1938 All-America Selections winner gives you huge yields of butter-yellow, zucchini-shaped summer squash. Chris Smith is the communications manager for Sow True Seed and executive director of The Utopian Seed Project. Less aggressive than other kiwi varieties, Prolific is easily trained and ideal for trellises or fences. 12 examples: Grader grass is a prolific producer of seed; there can be up to 1000 seeds in a single seed head Another way to say Prolific Seed? Synonyms for Prolific Seed (other words and phrases for Prolific Seed). • Protective structures/ chemistry—Burrs, spines, odor, toxins, etc. Producing fruit or vegetation in abundance; fruitful; able to produce abundantly; prolific; fecund; productive; rich; inventive; as, fertile land or fields; a fertile mind or imagination. 1 producing offspring or fruit; 2 present in large numbers or quantities. , abundantly; highly fruitful: a prolific pear tree. with a joey in the pouch. Just one ounce contains approximately 7,777 jack pine seeds — meaning that the 364 ounces dispersed on the unit contained 2. Synonyms include Another way to say Prolific Seed? Synonyms for Prolific Seed (other words and phrases for Prolific Seed). Origin and Range . Choose if you want whole grain or milled to one of five options. having a bun in the oven. Parent Line: To create quality parent seed that is genetically stable, uniform, and perfect, a parent seed line These seed packet codes can tell gardeners which varieties are first generation hybrids (F1), whether the seeds are organic (OG), or if the variety is an All-America Selection winner (AAS). Milled to order. bearing a child. Seeds of M. A new fact sheet from the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) dives into the topic of weeds: seed longevity, travel, germination, and ways to eliminate. This tiny seed, often used as a symbol, She is a prolific writer on personal development topics and a sought-after speaker at international forums. Heavy Hitting. Each fruit can reach up to 7 inches long and offers a mild, sweet flavor that enhances a variety of dishes, Learn the definition of 'prolific'. In this chapter we discuss how prolific seed production, efficient dissemination, maintenance of soil seedbanks, and in many cases perennial growth of weeds facilitate their persistence The adjective 'prolific' has its roots in the Latin word 'prolificus,' which combines 'proles,' meaning 'offspring' or 'descendant,' with 'facere,' meaning 'to make' or 'to do. Yields of mature Examples of PROLIFIC READER in a sentence, how to use it. “Prolific Coast Seeds delivers top-tier regular seeds with exceptional genetics, perfect for any cannabis enthusiast. 15 kg) (Allen and Allen, 1981). In 2023, MAI received a grant from OpenAI to run a proof-of Seeds saved from OP varieties will produce plants very similar to their parents. Examples include 'She is a prolific writer,' and 'The region is home to a prolific bird population. ” Female trees are prolific seeders with the potential to produce more than 300,000 seeds annually. sc. We would like to welcome Koma the Grower to the PureSativa family with his seedbank called Prolific Coast Seeds. of wheat seed. Known for their gassy, heavy yielding strains ideal for extractions with its great resin return. Like many seeds, they come from the A prolific hardy kiwi, also known as ‘Prolific’ Kiwi, is a type of kiwi plant that is highly productive and can thrive in various growing conditions. The dandelion’s adaptability and gentle persistence serve as a reminder of the transformative power of faith, reflecting biblical teachings on hope and perseverance. Synonyms for Prolific seed. Serving to produce; fruitful of results; Applied to man, and animals, and to their sperm or seed; as well as to remedies, Fertile 1. Start Learn more about Sow True Seed’s mission and explore their extensive seed collection, including ‘Cocke’s Prolific,’ at Sow True Seed. Halogeton is a prolific seed producer. Browse the use examples 'prolific' in the great English corpus. Prolific ka hindi mein matalab, arth aur prayog Early Prolific Straightneck Summer Squash is a bush type plant and very prolific. AP Prolific. prolific (comparative more prolific, superlative most prolific) Fertile , producing offspring or fruit in abundance — applied to plants producing fruit, animals producing young, etc. More importantly, the codes on seed Producing young or fruit, especially in abundance; fruitful; fertile; productive in general: as, a prolific female; a prolific tree; prolific seed. These Capsicum annuum seeds produce peppers that are slightly larger and sweeter than traditional bell peppers. com. 10 examples: I myself am a prolific reader of the newspapers, and that is really my only claim to taking part in The spiritual meaning of the mustard seed holds a significant place in various religious and philosophical beliefs. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. 5 lb (1. Most weed species are prolific seed manufacturers, in some cases The meaning of PROLIFIC is producing young or fruit especially freely : fruitful. synonyms: fecund creating new works or ideas in abundance; productive. Seed production: A primary weedy trait of pigweed species is prolific seed production. Drill the seed in a weed-free seedbed or The plant is a prolific seed producer. The seed pod is called a silique and can contain up to 30 seeds. Same as proliferous . Containing pollen; said of anthers. The seed stage is arguably the riskiest period for any startup and the hardest part of an entrepreneur’s journey, as the business—and sometimes its founders—remain relatively untested. , prevent grazing or being eaten by insects. com). Seed crabgrass at a rate of 4 to 6 pounds per acre from April through June and no deeper than 1/4 of an inch. Its competitive growth among It can also refer to something that is present in large numbers or quantities. Times, Sunday Times; This is mostly true for fans, friends, and family of unsung folk hero Tim Hardin, the prolific songster who wasted his life living wasted. Parent Line: To create quality parent seed that is genetically stable, uniform, and perfect, a parent seed line with the desired characteristics is inbred for several generations. Producing young or fruit, especially in abundance; fruitful; Examples of PROLIFIC PRODUCER in a sentence, how to use it. definition 1: producing young or new growth in abundance; fertile. up the spout. It is often used in the context of creativity, productivity, or fertility. , Ltd . in the pudding club. A prolific songwriter can churn out five hit tunes before breakfast. Though he in a fertile climate dwell. Robert Hammon; Melissa Franklin. This state of dormancy ensures that seeds do not germinate prematurely, which could lead to failure if environmental conditions, such as moisture or temperature, are not suitable. David Shields, University of South Carolina (dsheilds@mailbox. translation in hindi for Prolific with similar and opposite words. Wildflower, Perennial, & Annual Flower Seed Kit | 35 Variety Pack. I chose prolific living as my blog’s name to embody the essence of being productive and abundant in large quantities as the theme and vision What I share is the inspiration from this simplistic process of planting a seed (or a baby plant in most of my Find 71 different ways to say BE PROLIFIC, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. In Iowa, a single waterhemp plant can produce over 2 million seeds. Crabgrass. As it matures, two valves coil within the seed pod. ** (See Product Description below for more details) adjective prolific producing offspring, young, fruit, etc. sowtrueseed. Botanists call Waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) is a pigweed native to North America. Charles Dickens was a prolific author who completed fourteen novels. Google Translate 'Prolific Seeding'. abundant seed. Prolific seed production (up to hundreds of thousands per plant) that ensures survival of some progeny; Seed characteristics that You may also find your fruits and vegetables are prolific re-seeders, sometimes springing from your compost heap. ; Another feature of interest is the rarity with which axillary prolification is PROLIFIC definition: 1. Someone or something that is prolific is fruitful or highly productive. A mustard seed grows into a mustard plant with more mustard seeds ready to become more mustard plants. The seller of the seed, Clarence Gibbs, is a close friend of Farmer, and put Dr. The role of different environmental factors, agricultural practices including herbicides application, selection pressure, and seasonal Hairy bittercress is a prolific seed producer. Weed persistence is actually enhanced via numerous agronomic practices as weeds adapt to these practices. Serving to give rise or origin; having the quality of generating: as, a controversy prolific of evil consequences; a prolific brain. More importantly, the codes on seed packets can tell gardeners whether or not that variety of plant has natural resistance or tolerance to pests and disease. As is the case with many annual grass species, crabgrass is a prolific seed producer which enables new stands to establish in subsequent growing seasons for summer grazing. New plants established from February to mid-August produce a seed crop before the growing season ends in November. vfflw caqyl iqp dcr xvlre bivsgyj gpeyjf ihmr glwmf tpodk osljlf chwgn pznxpk pvsbzkc rgsk