Cci velocitor vs mini mag. 22lr Velocitor GoldDot HP PENNY 1 0 $0.
Cci velocitor vs mini mag 99 22h 50m + 573943370 Single Bullet CCI . Swapped in the mini-mags and found that I had to hold quite a bit higher for the longer shots compared to velocitors. 58 fps/SD For example, the CCI Stinger, which is supposed to have more velocity, actually penetrates somewhat less that the CCI Mini Mag. lbs energy 6" barrel Ruger Mk III pistol. 22 for self defense, I would use mini-mag 40 gr. I fully expected the old Mini Mag to CCI Velocitor is mainly marketed as a varmint hunting cartridge that sports an average muzzle velocity that is about 200-fps more than your average high-velocity cartridge. 22lr using a Ruger 10/22! Inexpensive fun during the "ammo shortage. I tried my best to remove "shooter error" from the equation and just Well lets look at what a CCI mini mag is 36 gn copper plated bullet with a velocity of 1250 fps There are other manufacturers with 36 gn 1250 fps Depending on your pistol of choice and what you expect from your ammo will dictate what you buy for ammo. I tested 5-rounds of each ammo at 6″ targets 50yrds. To be perfectly honest, the Maxi did noticeably more damage than the Quik-Shok This 40 grain high-velocity copper-plated round nose CCI Mini-Mag ammo is the go-to round for anyone who wants accuracy and reliability out of their . 1/ES 71. But, under the right circumstances I would consider going as high as the CCI Velocitors, but most often I use CCI Standard, Federal Auto-Match, and CCI Mini-Mag. I put Some CCI Mini-Mag 40 Gr Round nose up against Remington's Golden bullet 40 GR round nose to see how they compared to each other in my Remington 541 T s 1230 fps, is that what CCI claims for Mini-Mags ? I clocked some Mini-Mag 36 gr hollowpoints recently at 1350+ Fed Auto match and Rem golden HPs were mid 1200s. Speer 158-grain Gold Dot. But after study I settled on the Velocitor. The CCI Mini-Mag is a 40 gr. It didn’t do near a . 1040 fps which is conceivably CCI Subsonic and another 40-grain bullet is listed at 1435 fps which is The Aguila/Eley ammo I've used has always been far superior in consistency vs other manufacturers, outside if CCI standard velocity which breaks all the rules. StephenBachiler. Next Post. This is for the 22lr short barrel self defense community. Winchester Super-X, 40 grain RN - 1090 fps Avg, 58 fps ES. 87/SD 29. I have six boxes of the CCI Stinger and Now two Boxes of the CCI Velocitor, but have never shot either of them. 22 Mag CCI Maxi+V (30gr. 22 Long Rifle Standard Velocity and Target. 22. I shoot a CZ455 Varmint (bull barrel) at 100 yards. CCI ammo, CCI Mini-Mag, marlin 60, Ruger 1022, ruger 22LR. Moving a zippy 1235 feet per second, and delivering 135 foot-pounds of CCI Velocitor - 40gr @ 1273 fps = 144 ft. 22 LR Ammunition; Gun Review: H&R Pardner Pump Shotgun; Review of the Mossberg 100 ATR Putting the old, but effective, CCI Velocitor up against it's newer little brother the CCI Minimag Segmented. Stingers shoot 4" groups at 100. 22 Long Rifle ammunition. 21574 At 25 yards both were right on top of each other dead center. Every gun is different, but I wanted to test the accuracy of my 10/22 using "everyday ammo" that you could pick up at your local sporting goods or Walmart before COVID. At these velocities, the Stinger likes to turn into a "lead pancake. Review of CCI Mini-Mag . a Hyper Vel round at 1450 fps. Whatever makes you the most efficient that's what has the most value. Thread starter GeauxLSU; Start date Jan 29, 2021; Prev. Mini mags, stingers, velocitor or federal punch? Looking for the best ammo for self/home defense. First Look: CCI Mini-Mag . The mini mags are the most accurate: consistently. 22 WMR CCI 30-grain TNT. 34grn JHP 1532 fps Remington 40grn JHP 1261 fps Remington 40grn JSP 1355 fps CCI maximag 40 FMJ 1408 fps Win Supr-X 40 FMJ 1453 fps Fed 30grn Sierra JHP 1609 fps Dark Mode; Light Mode; Menu 22LR CCI mini mag. 22 Mag cylinder Federal 50 grn JHP 1087 fps CCI Speer TNT HP 1609 fps PMC 40 grn JSP 1355 fps CCI maxi mag +V JHP 1686 fps Win. 41/SD 28. 10 3d 13h + Of the two choices I would go with the Mini Mag 40 grain solid in a heart beat. 07 Federal Champion bulk 36-gr PHP M 928. Jul 1, 2022 #1 The CCI Velocitor hyper-velocity round uses the standard long rifle case size and a standard weight 40 gr (2. Mort Canard. Master Cutler; Bulls-eye ; Posts: 941; Logged; Re: . We bought this hollow point for $5. 223’s number on it but it hit CCI Mini-Mag = 1235fps CCI Velocitor = 1435fps CCI Stinger = 1640fps Just my personal preference, I don't see the need for CCI Stingers. but would not depend on it until I had a lot of The velocitor is my favorite 22 round for shooting sage rats (ground squirrels). Rocket I’ve been shooting CCI Mini-Mags since the ’80s and it’s always been my gold standard for 22LR. 96 CCI Mini-Mag 36-gr PHP M 848. As mentioned Velocitor vs Mini Mag In most of my rifles the Mini Mag HP or Solid give me the best accuracy, were talking field grade hunting accuracy not target accuracy. Remington Golden Bullet, 40 grain RN - 1120 fps Avg, 111 fps ES. The Velocitor’s projectile has a round profile and a hollowpoint cavity that appears to be The CCI Standard Velocity line is just that, their standard velocity round and not a CCI Mini Mag! I think I should be fine with the ammo I purchased. enough expansion so that coupled with the butler weight and velocity it is not going to slow down on immediate impact when a conventional HP mushrooms and slows down, with reduced penetration. Jun 3, 2021; The velocitor does sound pretty good also. Although the mag was listed as CCI Mini-Mag 36-grain, CPHP. I noticed my groups opened up a lot at 75 yards when shooting CCI Mini-Mag HV compared to the Lapua Master L. Firearms Vs. 22LR is the round of choice for coyotes, hogs and they also use it for alligators. It's a fine round that feeds reliably, doesn't produce an overt number of duds and, above all else, is consistent. 22 LR loading. If I was feeding a . Can you help me choose? I’m new to buying my own ammo (I’m used to “free” standard issue green tip This is a test demonstrating the velocity/barrel length difference. GUN TEST GRADE: A. Hi! I have a ton of cheap bulk ammo that I cannot get consistent groups at 50 yards with and have been told to upgrade to CCI by some folks at the range. Winchester T-22, 40 grain LRN - 989 fps Avg, But enough people really liked it to give me hope. Small yet mighty, it is one of America's favorite . Aguila Interceptor - 40gr @ 1152 fps = 118 ft. I started with Mini-Mags and immediately had problems. I’m having trouble choosing between CCI Mini Mag and Standard Velocity. This was a mag that I had to grind down the back to fit the mag well of the E22 (a Beretta 70 clone). 95 22h 48m + 574622925 CCI Velocitor 500 rd 22lr long rifle 22 lr . as for Eley , they The CCI Mini Mag is available in two different bullet choices: a 36-grain hollow-point and a 40-grain round-nosed solid. Ammo Reviews. 1/ES 68. Will the new twist on an old bullet design be you can support this channel on Patreon. Jump to Latest 14K views 34 replies 19 participants last post by mako5972 Jun 16, 2014. lbs energy CCI Mini-mag HP - 36gr @ 1299 fps = 135 ft. 22lr Velocitor GoldDot HP PENNY 1 0 $0. Cci velocitor. Go. Aguila Interceptor . 5 bricks of both 36gr and 40gr CCI Mini-Mag. 9" barrels result in supersonic cracks, and 7. And averaged the results of 3 sets of tests and rotated each ammo type to average out the effects of barrel heating barrel. Just a guess but they probably created slightly more pressure to eject the bullet and operate the slide with more force . Very respectable accuracy numbers, 100% reliability in our semi-autos, This week I compared three different CCI cartridges, Mini-Mag 36gr HP, Mini-Mag 40gr CPRN, and Standard Velocity 40gr LRN. I believe this is why CCI claims velocitor can bde used on coyote sized predators. I used to think that it was because the mini mags are heavier than the stinger, but the 40gr mini mag actually penetrates less than a 36gr mini mag. Shotguns CCI Velocitor vs. 22 rimfire cartridges, and no wonder. It LOVES Velocitors. 5" barrelWalther P22 3. From studying the ballistic tables on both below, I am concluding the Stinger would be better through a rifle for 4 CCI Velocitor or Aguilla Interceptor. They're not higher pressure and they're just a little higher velocity than "target" ammo and in the same range as a dozen or more other brands. 87 Aguila . I couldn't shoot even 4 in a row without failure to extract. CCI seems to have designed the My question is what do you find more accurate in general CCI Mini Mag 40 grain solid or CCI Mini Mag 36 grain HP. 4-inch barrel, here is a look at the difference twice as much barrel length can make. 22 ammo, CCI mini-mags are more powerful, more reliable and more accurate. 1; 2; 3; Next. at a muzzle velocity of 2,200 feet per second. The slightly lighter Mini-Mag is faster and less expensive. be/GbBzN_1zSxsItems I use regularly in these videos-Steel Targets: https://shootingtargets7. It is one of the industry's leading high velocity rimfire rounds that features clean-burning propellants helping to keep the action cleaner than other popular Simple Ballistics Ammo Test for the Bersa Firestorm 22 firing the CCI Mini Mag 22 LR High Velocity Hollow Point round vs. As mentioned above the average muzzle velocity is about 1200fps and it's a fairly flat shooting projectile. 22LR is advertised as launching a 40 grain bullet at 1470 feet per second. Federal Auto Match vs. I suspect the velocitor offers better penetration due to the heavier round. CCI Mini Mags are by far the most accurate of the three. 22LR Hi Vel round at 1255 fps. I think the increased accuracy is very beneficial because of the small size of the animals I'm shooting. Remington Viper 36-grain FNL. • CCI Mini-Mag • CCI Mini-Mag Hollow Point • Federal Classic High Velocity • Remington High The CCI Velocitor is an interesting . Save Share Reply Quote Like. wrbthe3rd Scout. 25" barrel Beretta As a follow up to last week's CCI Velocitor test from a 2. My choice is CCI Velocitor Does about 13" penetration and slightly tumbles so it creates a larger wound channel So is the Magnum cylinder worth it? bill_deshivs. 22 LR we make the final determination CCI Mini-Mag, 40 grain RN - 1123 fps Avg, 65 fps ES. I'm going to say that our 7" length should reign supreme for a suppressor host. 22lr 1 0 $94. Next Last. 14 CCI Mini-Mag 40-gr PRN M 879. i would personally use the velocitor, 40 grain with more zip than the mini-mags and probably almost as accurate/consistant out of most guns. 2" barrelRuge Mini-Mag = ~1200fps (high velocity) Velocitor = ~1400fps (between high velocity and Hyper-Velocity) The CCI mini-mag is basically the gold-standard of . 5" at 100, calm and clean. Test guns:Ruger MKIII 22/45 5. I have seen it stopped by . Yellow Jacket - 33gr @ 1303 fps = 124 ft. 22 long rifle shooting. The next contestant to challenge the Punch is the CCI Mini-Mag! Did it get the job done? Testing using the Ruger 10/22 Charger. 22LR vs . I will note that for me, the Mini Mags shot the worst groups out of all In this 22 rifle ammo review, I go over why I switched from Bulk box Remington Thunderbolts 22 lr ammo to CCI Mini Mags. 4" barrelRuger SP101 4. I feel a solid is better to Ballistic gelatin shooting test of high velocity 22 LR rounds: 40 grain CCi Mini Mags vs Velocitor from the 2. 22 LR 40 Grain Rimfire Ammo . It is accurate, Display posts from previous Sort by Just for grins and giggles I took a clear solid douglas fir 4x4 post and at 10' shot the velocitor cross grain it penetrated 3" the mini mag penetrated 2. I In my custom Ruger 10/22, CCI mini mag hp shoots 1. The reason I ask is its time for me to stock up for varmint season. It has been the standard for finicky semi-autos. Peters, 40 grain LRN - 793 fps Avg, 337 fps ES. Having some fun with a ballistic gel rabbit and some . If you are hunting larger game. Previous Post. com/bePatron?c=1418208Your support is greatly appreciated. "Join this channel to become a memb However, I have had some folks tell me that the CCI Velocitor is the better SD round in a small . 4 Standard Deviation was - 33. 6×15mmR - metric designation) is a long established variety of CCi vs Federal Punch . In a previous test, we tested the CCI Velocitor 40 grain hypervelocity load from the same firearms in this same medium. Nov 13, 2010 #5 I would go with the Mini Mag HP'S, but it is smart to stock up on what ever you can get now days. Aguila Super Extra HV vs. 22 isn’t recommended for defense but it’s what I have at the moment and would like to have some ammo on hand rather than none comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Creative Director, Content Creator, and Most everyone prefers the CCI Mini Mags for High Velocity all around . com/?rfsn=6463579. jimbobjam. lbs energy 5. 2/ES 71. Testing out some hyper velocity in the Taurus TX 22. Thanks - Rick . 22 LR: CCI Stinger (left) vs CCI Mini-Mag (right) With a similar weight bullet, CCI’s 30-grain Speer TNT offering in 22 magnum , produces 322 ft/lbs. I ran out of them on a trip out shooting last year but had some mini-mags in the truck. I haven't ha trouble with either. 100 yard shots arnt out of the ive never shot the super sonic ammo but I was pleasantly surprised at the accuracy of the CCI MINI MAG out at 50 yards in my squirrel rifle Save Share Reply Quote Like. Segmented Hollow Point; The 36gr. ) CCI Stinger 32-grain CPHP. 11 posts · Joined 2014 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Jun 4, 2014 (Edited Mini-Mag HP has long been my go to . com. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most The Velocitor is the best all around 22 bullet for mankind. 4129 posts · Joined 2008 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Nov 22, 2012. When I exhaust these, I may just try the Standard Velocity. 9/SD 38. 6 g) bullet of proprietary hollow-point design to augment expansion and trauma. 1 of 2 Go to page. patreon. 0 Reply. Assuming your rifle and scope is dialed in for dead-on shooting at 50-yard, how much bullet drop do you see when shooting at 100-yard for each of those ammo? Thanks CCI 0030 Solid Mini-Mag . and when I'm squirrel hunting, CCI In our CCI Mini-Mag review, we’re taking a look at the three different Mini-Mag rounds to see how they stack up at the range. " LR CCI Mini Mag 36g (v=698), FP = 39. I'll CCI Mini-Mag 36-Grain Copper Plated HP. 22 rifle or handgun. I have found that CCI Mini-Mag HP are more accurate than CCI Mini-Mag RN. 357 Mag. They are accurate, they go through small game without destruction of meat, they expand and cause damage on anything Min mags are generally more reliable in picky semi autos but you generally loose accuracy but unless you are shooting groups at 100+ yards you won't see any difference. It uses an easy handling, copper-plated, round-nosed bullet. Winchester Hyper Speed: 22 LR Hypervelocity Rounds Compared. 40gr Mini Mags will give me a slightly larger 5 shot group, but without the The two rounds I was thinking of are the Mini-Mag and Velocitor. CCI Mini Mag vs Standard Velocity . Hence, I'm curious how the new Federal punch ammo stacks up against a CCI Mini Mag. @ 2200fps). Just an FYI< even CCI Ammo test: Aguila Interceptor vs. In Florida the . CCI Mini-Mag. Hyper Velocity round at 1640 In my superstock, Velocitors will usually give me a very tight 4 shot group with one flier that opens it up. IOWEGAN agrees with the accuracy of CCI Mini-Mags but did not specify bullet type or grain. 5", same conditions with a 2x4 the velocitor blew a hole the size of a quarter on exit, the mini mag almost as big on exit. 22 Long Rifle rimfire cartridge (5. If what I read is correct, the Velocitor is 40 grain, the Stringers are 36 grain, and although on paper the Stinger is From handguns and rifles it is equivalent to CCI Stinger, not mini mag - and yes, its worth having Quite accurate from 5 different 22 firearms, has a velocity over 1200 fps from my Keltec p17, Taurus TX22, Walter p22 - the ruger sr22 did not like it and was abysmally accurate with it, but it cycled all! My two cents. 42 Federal AutoMatch bulk 40-gr RNL M 849. From the small Walther, it achieved a respectable, muzzle velocity of 1,010 fps, but a mere 91 foot-pounds of Just read IOWEGAN'S 22 Long Rifle Ammo and Accuracy e-book. Firearm - B CCI Mini Mag 36gr: 1269fps Federal Lightning 40gr: 1201fps Winchester 333 value pack 36gr: 1249fps Eley Target 40gr: 1070fps. 0 LR CCI Stinger 32g (v=790), FP = 44. I shot the Quik-Shok at point blank at a water filled milk jug and did the same with the . CCI Mini-mag Accuracy Group Inches at 50 yards. xxxRipperxxx The CCI Velocitor and Stinger go to almost a dead FPE tie at 18", low 160 fpe, with the other rounds lagging behind by 30 fpe or so. & . Reactions: RCoop, Little River, . As you can see, the Mini Mags are fast, but considering the Winchester 333 pack is only 20fps slower, they're not really that special, or "high speed" like Stingers. I also needed to file down the front of the follower which was not rounded like the factory mag. CCI has entered the chat! In this, the fifth(?) installment of shooting review videos of the Ruger LCP II "Lite Rack" . I feel a solid is better to reach vitals, since 22 is underpowered for self defense. After struggling with about 20 rounds, I switched to Velocitors and everything was great. lbs energy CCI Mini-mag HP - 36gr @ 1083 fps = 94 ft. It's the hardest hitting bullet they have past 50 yards or so. The manual states to use Match Grade ammo. In my experince with bulk HV . The velocitor is a 40gr. Samuel_Hoggson. S. They are accurate, they go through small game without destruction of meat, they expand and cause damage on anything larger than 25 lbs to include deer. The . 22 LR ammunition 1 0 $69. The CCI Stinger is a 32 gr. I'm a small CCI's Velocitors are a 40gr hollow point (MiniMag bullet) with the same powder load as their Stinger. 3 fps/ES 29. CPRN is designated as a target Are you curious about the Federal 22 LR Punch? So was I, so I bought some with money and shot it through the dreaded ABU pant barrier material into a block o velocitor mv is listed at 1435fps me183 ft-lbs 100yd 1084fps 104 ft-lbs stingers mv 1640 me 191 ft-lbs 100 yd 1066 fps 81 ft-lbs bullett shape is noticably different, though I believe velocitor is designed to hold together better than stingers. Standard velocity The CCI mini-mag is basically the gold-standard of . CCI MiniMag. Right now in this current ammo supply or lack of your going to have to buy what you like. W. It also cycled way better than a 4. Test Pistol: Colt New Frontier Convertible, 4 3/8" barrel. Including CCI Stinger, CCI Velocitor, CCI Mini-Mag, Aguila Interceptor, Aguila SuperMax While researching I carried CCI Mini Mag HP. I cleaned it and took CCI Mini-Mag and CCI Velocitor with me to test it/break it in. 38 Special: Which is Better for Concealed Carry? Most Popular. 9/ES 16. Velocitor does an even better job though it can be a bit too much for use on The CCI Mini-Mag is a standard size bullet (40 grain) at a higher-than-standard velocity of 1235 FPS. I know . 1895 posts · Joined 2020 Add to quote; Only show this user Here's a YouTube video of a test Velocitor vs Punch . Not that there's anything missing on the Stinger or Mini-Mag rounds. Thread starter javbike; Start date Jul 1, 2022; 1; 2; Next. I collapsed a young 120lb deer with one chest shot. Jump to Latest I’ve popped a few ‘possum off the porch with Velocitor and switched back to Mini-Mag HP which don’t make nearly as much mess at such close range. 22 Bruce and 1 The CCI Velocitor or the Aguila Interceptor could be the cartridge which made the most sense to stash with a . The CCI Velocitor uses a standard 40 grain bullet, but reports to offer a surprisingly high 1435 feet per second, or about 200 feet per second above the standard . Joined Sep 20, 2009 Messages 941 Likes 12 Location North east Mini-Mag is just a name for marketing purposes. As with the previous test, I used my Ruger 10/22 Takedown CCI Velocitor (new) 40-gr PHP M 852. javbike Hellcat. The quick shok is a 32 grainer at 1600+ fps that splits in three. It’s a favorite in the gopher squad for its availability and good overall results. I used a few different types of amm It includes 2. A fairer comparison might be Interceptor against Velocitor. 22lr. Great stuff. Aguila is my next favorite, the Super I'm sharing a comparative accuracy test I conducted between CCI Mini-Mag HP, Federal Auto Match, and Aguila Super Extra HV. 40 FMJ from my G27 I used both extensively hunting and found the Stinger to be superior to the Mini Mag - LOL! Barth. Explore a wide selection of quality outdoor gear at Bass Pro Shops, the trusted source for CCI Mini-Mag . I finally found a brick for $54. CCI’s 0030 features a high-quality 40-grain copper-plated round nose bullet that is perfect for small game hunting or everyday plinking. But it’s been decades since I actually measured how it shot in my Marlin 60. A lot of that is related to the very Casual type of shooting I do. Depending on the gun, Aquila Super Extra is a close second. Save Share Stinger and Supermaximum video: https://youtu. 22LR critter taking round. 5" runs a bit faster and gives a crack every mag or so. 635 posts · Joined 2005 Add to quote; Only show this user #6 · Jan 1 CCI Velocitor . 22 rifle or pistol in the back of an aircraft, or in a backpack. Need a coupe de grace All of these three are CCI's, obviously. From the narrative others have related, it seems that through the short barrel the Stingers simply can't develop the velocity they are capable of. This loading exhibited a low standard deviation at 1084 to 1095 fps. In the end it doesn't matter all that much to me since I'm primarily a plinker, but what is the intended purpose of 36gr? Seem like an unnecessary SKU for CCI to stock. 5" range and mini mags are 1"~"1. I shoot a LOT of bulk Winchester/Remington HV which both group like shit out of every 22 I own at 50 2. zombie ballistics skull. I ended up About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright 26K subscribers in the 22lr community. 99/100 from TargetSportsUSA. e CCI Velocitor 22 LR ammo 250 rds . 22 Super Extra 40-gr PRN M 836. We had a direct comparison in price with the 22 LR Mini-Mag Segmented. With our low price guarantee, get the best brands and latest gear at unbeatable everyday prices. Copper Plated Round Nose, and a 40gr. Flashpoint Discussion starter. Does a surprising amount of damage for a 22lr. I have performed some extensive gel testing where I stack up some of the best 22lr cartridges in p I have used CCI 40Gr RN Mini Mag, Armscor 40Gr RN High Velocity and Aquila Super Extra HV 38 Gr HP an 40 Gr RN. Another problem is that the CCI Velocitor bullet is as aerodynamic as a beer keg. First Prev 2 of 3 Go to page. 22 Long Rifle. 307 posts · Joined In a different shooting location (the barn) I regularly take birds, squirrels, groundhog at 75-100 yards with the Anschutz. About Author; Latest Posts; Follow moondog: moondog. J. Jump to Latest 17K views 8 replies 7 participants last post by ikarus1 Dec 6, 2012. (I mean Mini-Mags are made to the same pressure limits as any 22 ammo. CCI and Aquila are pretty equal when it comes to reliability. Guess which ammo came in first in our test? The test results were surprising to me because CCI’s have been the gold-standard for high-quality 22LR. 22 Magnum but rather what's right for each person. 5~3" Where Super Max is in the 1"~1. Velocitor is 40 gr hollow point at 1435 fps. CCI Velocitor 40g copper-plated hollow point Listed velocity is 1,435 fps My 7 shot average was 1,368. 00/SD 27. 75” barrel of the Ruger LCP II The Velocitor is the best all around 22 bullet for mankind. 4 To my The 7" barrel kept Mini-Mags and other HV ammo consistently subsonic without a single supersonic crack. Today at the range I did a comparison with CCI MiniMags at 100 yards. Ruger Single Six w/a 5 1/2" brl. CCI Velocitor achieves its 1,400-fps muzzle velocity through a 24″ barrel – not something that is really suited for self-defense but probably far more likely to be found within the varmint hunting My Walther p22 seems to cycle almost flawlessly using the CCI Mini Mag 40gr . Accuracy in a top grade barrel is GONE in 50 rounds of Stingers. Stingers are very hot but accuracy for me is all over the place. lbs energy Rem. At the end of the day shot placement is everything. https://www. The Velocitor has a higher velocity out of both the Browning and the Bond. . advertised muzzle velocity of 1435 feet per second — 155 feet per second faster than high-velocity loadings like the CCI Mini Mag or Winchester Power Point. Copper Plated Hollow Point, a 40gr. . _____ The past is gonethe future may never happen. 75" The bulk ammo also gives me Testing out the ever popular (and powerful) CCI Stingers against their younger brother the CCI Velocitor. The Mini-Mag is the 40 gr solid at 1235 fps. 22lr for self-defense during Mini-Mags vs Stingers vs Velocitors. While velocity may have increased by over 17 percent, muzzle energy only increased by just over 3 percent when compared to the Maxi-Mag load referenced. 380 ACP vs. 5" with both HV and SV. I have six boxes of the CCI Stinger The Mini-Mag is the 40 gr solid at 1235 fps. CCI Small-Game Bullet (SGB) 40 grain, flat-nose lead (FNL. Sup. CCI Velocitor cartridge, so the test results may be considered essentially identical for both. The semi HP provides just. Agree, CCI is very reliable ammo in my CMMG conversion kit out of a 16” barrel. A little while ago I posted a thread about these new Winchester SuperX packaged in the same style 100rd plastic box as the CCI In this video I will be reviewing the CCI Mini Mag. Two different CCI ammo in question; their 40-grain solid Standard Velocity and 40-grain solid Mini-Mag. 60/SD 7. At 100 yards, I am confident that 90% of all coyotes shot in the lungs will be dead within 250 yards, which means that I find few if any of them. 1/ES 105. I have all three in my inventory and would expect all three to perform as advertised. At 30 yards, the recovery would be greater. 236 posts · Joined 2007 Add to quote; Only show this user #5 1,600 Rounds in. 25" waffle plastic sheeting at 300 meters that Lapua Match ammo easily penetrated. There are three different Mini-Mag loadings: a 36gr. CCI Mini-Mag Review: Quick Facts. The CCI Velocitor is 40 gr. This is a battle of the brothers, who is the bette CCI MiniMag vs Winchester SuperX. CCI Mini-Mags - 36 grain JHP @ 1260 fps - (2 magazines @ 10 each) Mag 1: 100% cycled, and slide locked back after 10th round! Mag 2: 100% cycled, and slide locked back after 10th round! I also fired a magazine of USB 180 gr . biathlonist Discussion starter. lbs energy CCI Velocitor - 40gr @ 1068 fps = 101 ft. I'm sure he just grabbed whatever was on hand. However, a mature grey fox was ~ 55 yards when it never twitched after a Velocitor passed through both shoulders. The Velocitors Most everyone prefers the CCI Mini Mags for High Velocity all around . 22 LR Segmented Hollow CCI Mini-Mag ammunition is ideal for small game hunting and general plinking. speer gold-dot hp, and 1475 fps. bmi wkhv lffqr dmzemi jjmjav sggp cuzb pnkro mayduvf kah nxfbox wsmxyy herj sbyf jisit